
We Serve You, As You Serve The Community.

Enscoe Long has developed a strong focus on the nonprofit sector, and we now protect more than 200 nonprofit organizations across Pennsylvania.

Our management and employees serve as active volunteers and board members for a number of non-profit organizations. Both as individuals and as an agency, we routinely give back to our clients and other causes that are near and dear to our hearts. Because of this focus, we are one of few agencies that specialize in and truly understand the needs of nonprofits.

We represent the strongest carriers that provide insurance to nonprofits. Many of the programs that we use – and that are tailored specifically to the nonprofit community – are not available to other agencies. We manage nonprofit and membership organizations to provide better coverage and lower premiums to groups of nonprofits.

Members of our team are often invited to be speakers at nonprofit conferences, and we have published articles that explain how nonprofits can be properly insured.

We provide peace of mind so nonprofit organizations can continue to serve their community for years and decades to come.

Let's Talk. Call 412-206-0360

We work harder for you.Call us old fashioned, but we actually read through your policies
and give you what you want, need, and deserve.